

Ils sont artiste, cheffe étoilée, designer ou apiculteur, pilote automobile ou créatrice de mode. Leur point commun ? Ces personnalités glamour ou au cœur de la vie culturelle, économique et sociale régionale sont les moteurs de l’actualité azuréenne. Découvrez sans filtre le témoignage de leur parcours, leurs rêves, leurs ambitions et leurs projets à venir.

November 2016

Prune Faux

  • Guardian of the flame
 Prune Faux Plumassiere
Minutieuse, précise, Prune Faux confectionne des objets d’art en plumes.

Prune's art consists of assembling light, colourful feathers to create objects – as they did in the old days, but with a thoroughly modern touch. It all began when she trained in fashion design and pattern making in Bordeaux; after that she took a course in fashion accessory creation at the international Mod'Art school in Paris, where she was filled with admiration and curiosity for this singular craft. "I applied to the Lycée Octave Feuillet, which is also in Paris and is the only school in France to teach feather-work. There, I was lucky enough to meet Nelly Saunier, a master of the art who taught me the precise, rigorous movements I apply to this ancestral art."
Thus armed with skills in design and feather-work, Prune was spotted by Maison Lemarié, one of the last feather-work ateliers in France. There, she was able to set free her talent for this soft material, spending four years creating samples for Dior, Chanel, Valentino, Givenchy etc. "In 2015 I settled in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, where I let my hands and my imagination free to shape, dye, cut, caress, sew and curl all kinds of feathers. Feathers of cock, guinea fowl, goose, turkey, pheasant and ostrich, and sometimes much rarer species like egret and bird of paradise." Sometimes she includes recycled vintage feathers. From this skilful blending emerge jewellery and home accessories of extreme delicacy, an enchantment you can discover in her showroom at the Savoir-Faire des Alpilles collective.


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