July 2016

Summer exhibitions

  • Retrouvailles avec une icône du Modernisme
 expo ete 2016

Robert Combas, Enée descend aux enfers, 1988.

From Nice to Saint-Tropez, a town-by-town discovery of the summer exhibitions in the Côte d’Azur's leading cultural venues.


Musée départemental des Arts asiatiques
Korean season
Parc Phoenix's lake-side museum is putting on three exhibitions as part of France-Korea Year. It spotlights women artists through the emblematic Korean abstract artist Seund Ja Rhee's ethereal depictions of the world and In-Sook Son's modern textiles, as well as displaying fascinating wooden figurines made to accompany the soul during tra­ditional funerals, from the Kokdu Museum in Seoul.
(1) Jusqu’au 12 septembre - (2) Jusqu’au 5 novembre
Nice, 405 Promenade des Anglais


Musée national Fernand Léger
Summer 1954
As a member of the Espace group keen to incorporate painting into architecture, Fernand Léger participated in the summer 1954 exhibition Architecture, Couleur, Formes in Biot. The mu­seum presents a panorama of this utopic vision of artistic synthesis to which post-war architects, engineers, sculptors and painters aspired. An opportunity too to admire the recently restored mosaic running along the museum's frontage.
Jusqu’au 26 septembre
Biot, 255 chemin du Val de Pôme


Fondation Marguerite et Aimé Maeght
Christo and Jeanne-Claude

Headline news this summer is a Mastaba oil-barrel installation in the Giacometti courtyard: Christo and Jeanne-Claude tell our industrial world as it is, while investing the location with new meaning. The exhibition retraces several decades of the couple's work, from their first pieces to their Mastaba project for the Abu Dhabi desert. A totally unique exploration of form, colour, space and time.

Jusqu’au 27 novembre
Saint-Paul de Vence, 623 chemin des Garcettes


Musée international de la parfumerie
From Belle Epoque to Jazz Years

A veritable repository of French heritage, this Grasse museum takes us back to the perfumery world of the early 20th century, when perfume makers adopted the tenets of fashion and luxury. After the exuberance of Art Nouveau, the Art Deco era imposed a radical change with its geometrical shapes and industrially produced decorative objects. Perfumery too embraced these new departures and broke fresh ground.

Jusqu’au 30 septembre
Grasse, 2 boulevard du Jeu de Ballon


Musée de Vence / Fondation Émile Hugues
Lambert's Combases

This museum is spotlighting the work of Robert Combas through the amazing collection that Yvon Lambert has built up. The first art dealer to promote this artist who helped found the Figuration Libre movement, Lambert has amassed an impressive quantity of Combas's paintings on canvas, paper, bed sheets, quilts and tablecloths. An overview of 15 years (1978-1993) of creativity involving mythology, Christian art, battles and the Mediterranean.

Jusqu’au 13 novembre
Vence, 2 place du Frêne


Musée de l’Annonciade
Othon Friesz, Fauvist

A bold and very complete exhibition, a timely reminder that in the early 20th century Saint-Tropez was a hotbed of avant-garde art. This summer the museum focuses on Othon Friesz's Fauvist period, from his initial training to his post-Fauvist work, familiarising us with the career of a French painter as well-known in his day as his colleagues Matisse, Vlaminck, Derain and Dufy.

Jusqu’au 17 octobre
Saint-Tropez Place Grammont


Centre d’art La Malmaison
Dali or the delirium of dreams

On the Croisette, La Malmaison invites you to rediscover Salvador Dalí through 200 original engravings from the Jean Ferrero Collection. The exhibition features books that the Catalan Surrealist illustrated between 1960 and 1978, including Le Bestiaire de La Fontaine dalinisé, along with works on paper, drawings, watercolours and oil paintings on canvas from French private collections.

Jusqu’au 30 octobre
Cannes, 47 La Croisette


Musée Bonnard
Bonnard and animals
Dogs were his companions, cats peopled his house and garden, but in addition to these pets, horses, cows, chickens and fish all occupied a special place in Pierre Bonnard's pictorial world. The museum dedicated to the painter shines a spotlight on this fauna present in almost a third of his 2300 works.

Jusqu’au 6 novembre
Le Cannet, 16 boulevard Sadi Carnot